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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

Infant Nutrition – growing fast in a sustainable way Infant Nutrition is one of the fastest growing business segments in AAK. Main contributing factors, next to right product and maximized service, are quality of the products and trust in the supply chain. Meeting customers’ demands, supplying the right product on time and within VSHFL¿FDWLRQDUHRXU¿UVWWDUJHWVLQVHUYLQJ customers on a worldwide basis. Next to that, our prime strength and capability is to develop customized innovative solutions with specialized compositions for different applications. 1DWXUDOSURGXFWV Different stage formulations require different combinations of ingredients and in a pro-active way we build those combinations together with our customers. Getting as close as possible to the composition of mother’s milk with natural products in a sustainable way is our ultimate goal. Throughout product and application development a strong focus is continuously maintained on CSR to be able to take responsibility on all aspects of the business and supply chain. Renald Mackintosh President IFPB Product development – supporting sustainable growth 8 | AAK Responsible growth )RUPRUHWKDQ\HDUV$$.KDVUH¿QHGDQG developed functionality based on natural and sustainable raw materials and processes. In today’s market conditions, AAK continues to build on this experience, meeting global consumers’ current and future needs for healthy, natural and affordable food that is produced in a sustainable manner. 'HPDQGIRULQQRYDWLYHVROXWLRQV In recent years, the focus has been on healthier products with improved nutritional value, which at the same time are closer to nature. AAK has seen the healthy trend being driven by consumer awareness in all regions, but increasingly also by national and regional regulation. Adding the requirements of natural products and transparent processing creates an increasing demand for innovative solutions. In a proactive way we work on sustainable solutions and bring in products with as much transparency in the production line as possible. If needed and possible, segregated product ÀRZOLQHVDUHLPSOHPHQWHG%\DSSO\LQJWKHVH concepts in the market approach, AAK has LQFUHDVHGFXVWRPHUFRQ¿GHQFHDQGWUXVWDQG also maintained the leading position in this area of the company’s business. Value-added solutions Today, AAK continues to enhance its position as the natural choice for vegetable oils and fats for specialized applications. The increased capabilities of AAK to build special fat structures has brought the company even closer to customers than before. New and innovative technological developments have shown the market that AAK is able to bring value-added solutions in all aspects. This, combined with a strong and continuing sustainability focus, has generated trust and reward from the customer base and strengthened our belief that AAK is on the right track toward continuous, strong and sustainable growth. Karsten Nielsen &KLHI7HFKQRORJ\2I¿FHU 6KHOIOLIHDQGVHQVRU\TXDOLWLHV Good, healthy and affordable food products are a requirement in all markets. Specialized vegetable oils and fats are in many cases excellent alternatives to some of the raw materials that are becoming increasingly scarce and costly, in terms of both health and economics. $WWKHVDPHWLPHVSHFL¿FQHHGVLQHPHUJLQJ markets are becoming drivers for improvements in shelf life and sensory qualities. In our product development processes, assessing and documenting environmental, health and safety aspects is an integrated part of each project. In this way, we ensure that AAK will continue to stand for functionality based on natural and sustainable raw materials and processes. “ “ “ “

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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