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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

Supply chain This section covers activities related to the sourcing of raw materials that AAK uses in its production plants. Sustainable sourcing of raw materials is the backbone of AAK’s business and a key element of the AAKtion program. The combination of the right raw materials and value-adding functionality is key to the wide range of solutions offered. Just as it is vital for AAK to obtain the right raw materials, AAK places equal emphasis on sustainable growing and procurement. For this reason AAK has implemented a Supplier Code of Conduct that applies to AAK’s direct raw material suppliers worldwide. The AAK Supplier Code of Conduct stipulates UHTXLUHPHQWVZLWKUHJDUGWRWKHIROORZLQJ AAK Responsible growth | 13 AAK Supplier Code of Conduct – all time high level of recognition ,QWURGXFHGLQODWHWKH$$.6XSSOLHU &RGHRI&RQGXFWLVDQLQWHJUDOSDUWRIWKH DSSURYDOV\VWHPIRUVXSSOLHUV During 2013, compliance was 98.4 percent of direct raw material suppliers, who were required to approve and sign the Code or demonstrate their compliance in some other way. The objective for 2014 is to maintain compliance at a minimum 98 percent of raw material suppliers. In West Africa, the Code has been implemented in a different way due to various linguistic and FXOWXUDOFKDOOHQJHV%HFDXVHHWKLFDOUHTXLUHPHQWV in business relations are not a widespread tradition in the region, more meetings and explanations are required to achieve the necessary understanding. In 2013, an all-time high recognition level of 95 percent was achieved and the ambition for 2014 is to maintain a minimum level of 95 percent. Human rights Housing Child labour Young workers Working hours Remuneration Working Freedom of environment association Environment Corruption Forced labour 1RWL¿FDWLRQ Discrimination Workplace violence

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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