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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

Contents The first choice for value-added vegetable oil solutions Responsible growth 1. CEO statement by Arne Frank 2. Responsible growth at AAK 3. The Global Compact – AAK, a member since 2002 4. Global CSR objectives and achievements 2013 and 2014+ 7. Marketplace 13. Supply chain 25. Environment 31. Workplace 37. Community 42. CSR approach 45. CSR organisation 48. Global Reporting Initiative G3 Index 51. Reporting criteria II | AAK Responsible growth Scope 7KLVUHSRUWFRYHUV$$.¶VHQWLUHRUJDQLDWLRQLQFOXGLQJSURGXFWLRQSODQWVDGPLQLVWUDWLYHRI¿FHV VDOHVRI¿FHVDQGVRXUFLQJRSHUDWLRQV7KHHQYLURQPHQWDOGDWDLVUHVWULFWHGWRWKHSURGXFWLRQ plants. In 2012 AAK acquired Oasis Foods Company, New Jersey, USA which is now part RIWKHJOREDOUHSRUWLQJ'XULQJWKH¿UVWKDOIRI$$.DFTXLUHG%HOJLDQRLOVDQGIDWVEXVL- QHVVRI&60%HQHOX19LQ0HUNVHPDQG)DEULFD1DFLRQDOGH*UDVDV6$)$1$*5$D Colombian company that specializes in vegetable oils and fats for the bakery segment. Data from these acquisitions is not included in this report. Throughout the report, AAK colleagues share stories about some of our many CSR initia- WLYHV7RSPDQDJHUVDOVRVKDUHWKHLUWKRXJKWVDQGLQVLJKWVLQUHODWLRQWRWKHLUVSHFL¿FDUHDVRI responsibility. This report provides a clear picture of how we at AAK work with sustainability – our drive towards responsible growth. 7KLVUHSRUWLVDYDLODEOHLQ(QJOLVKDQG6ZHGLVK,WFDQEHGRZQORDGHGDVD3')¿OHDWZZZ To obtain a printed copy please contact Corporate Communications at +HDGRI¿FH $$.$%SXEO Jungmansgatan 12 SE-211 19 Malmö, Sweden +46 40 627 83 00 5HJLVWHUHGRI¿FH0DOP| Reg. No. 556669-2850 AAK is one of the world’s leading producers of high value-added speciality vegetable oils and fats solutions. These oils and fats solutions are characterized by a high level of technological content and innovation. AAK’s solutions are used as substitutes for butter-fat and cocoa butter, trans-free and low saturated solutions but also addressing other needs of our customers. AAK’s shares are traded on the NASDAQ OMX, Stockholm, within the Large Cap segment. Further information on AAK can be found on the company’s website At AAK, sustainable development is fundamental to our business. Hand in hand ZLWKVRFLDODQGHQYLURQPHQWDOUHVSRQVLELOLW\¿QDQFLDOJURZWKLVNH\WRRXUFRQWLQXHG development and future success. This is what we mean by “responsible growth”. We believe that leading sustainability in our everyday activities helps us DFKLHYHRXUYLVLRQRIEHLQJWKH¿UVWFKRLFHLQYDOXHDGGHGYHJHWDEOHRLOVROXWLRQV $$.¶VPRGHOIRUUHVSRQVLEOHJURZWKFRYHUVWKH¿YHIRFXVDUHDV0DUNHWSODFH Supply chain, Environment, Workplace and Community. Global team effort The annual production and release of our GRI Report is a global team effort involving staff from various functions at all sites. In line with this, our Sustainability Report is a global team achievement that includes statements, initiatives, projects and views from the entire organization. In addition, it documents – for both our stakeholders and ourselves – that &RUSRUDWH6RFLDO5HVSRQVLELOLW\&65LV¿UPO\DQFKRUHGZLWKLQRXURUJDQLDWLRQ

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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