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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

Palm – increasing demand for sustainable palm oil Number of roundtable organization members growing Darrel Webber RSPO Secretary General Supporting the production of sustainable palm oil 16 | AAK Responsible growth The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil 5632ZDVHVWDEOLVKHGLQZLWKWKHRE- jective of promoting the production and uptake of sustainable palm oil through a credible global standard. It is a voluntary membership organization with the far-reaching vision of transforming the markets and making sustainable palm oil the norm. This would go a great distance in addressing the environmental problems that exist with unsustainable palm oil production. ,QYROYHPHQWZLWKDOOSDOPRLOSOD\HUV We acknowledge that while the vision of global sustainable palm oil is closer to reality today than when we started in 2004, it still remains a high bar. However, because of our continual *OREDOO\SDOPRLOLVWKHPRVWSURGXFHG DQGFRQVXPHGYHJHWDEOHRLODFFRXQWLQJ IRUSHUFHQWRIWKHZRUOG¶VYHJHWDEOHRLO SURGXFWLRQ Soya bean oil, at 27 percent, holds second place. The oil palm has the highest yield of all oil crops at an average of 3.7 tonnes of oil per hectare – six to ten times more than other oil seed crops. However, palm oil production has raised serious concerns relating to deforestation and the elimination of endangered animals, to name two. As a consequence, WWF in 2003 initiated the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil 5632DORQJZLWK$$.*ROGHQ+RSH3ODQWD- tions, Migros, Malaysian Palm Oil Association, Sainsbury’s and Unilever. The organization has now worked for more than a decade to promote the growth and use of sustainable palm oil worldwide. Food manufacturers and retailers have a simple way to reward palm oil producers for adhering to sustainable and responsible practices, and to tell their customers that they do so. It is an exclusive, RSPO-endorsed, webbased platform for trading in sustainable palm RLOFHUWL¿FDWHVFDOOHGWKH*UHHQ3DOP3URJUDP 2UJDQLHGE\%RRN &ODLP/WGDQ$$. subsidiary, the platform makes it possible for food manufacturers to pay producers directly open engagement and involvement with all palm oil players, we believe we have the right strategy to achieve this desired outcome. The key is to support companies who are trying to do the right thing. Today, we facilitate more than 1,600 members in over 70 countries, including the key players in the palm oil supply chain, to identify issues and design lasting and SUDFWLFDOVROXWLRQVWKDWEHQH¿WVPDOODQGODUJH growers, the environment, and local communities involved. 2QHUHFRJQLHGV\VWHP We continue to be very engaged in the RSPO, DQGLWV%RDUG$$.UHFRJQLHVWKH5632FHU- WL¿FDWLRQDVWKHRQO\HVWDEOLVKHGDQGVWDEOH systematic organization and standard for sustainable palm oil. RSPO is not perfect. However, it is important to have one well established recognized system rather than a series of individual systems and organizations, which add complexity and might prevent progress toward a fully sustainable palm oil supply chain. 5632SURJUHVV Due to the position as an intermediary in the palm oil supply chain, AAK is fully dependent on the availability of supply of physical, segregated sustainable palm oil and, to some extent, on demand from customers. Customer UHTXLUHPHQWVGH¿QHWKHNLQGRISDOPRLOGH- livered by AAK. In preparation for future demand, all of AAK’s major production plants have obtained RSPO 6XSSO\&KDLQ&HUWL¿FDWLRQDQGDUHUHDG\WR produce sustainable palm oil as required. AAK is committed to increasing the volume of 5632FHUWL¿HGUDZPDWHULDOWKDWLWSXUFKDVHV with the ultimate objective to achieve RSPO FHUWL¿FDWLRQRIDOOSDOPRLOSXUFKDVHG'ULYHQE\ demand 20 percent of AAK palm oil products DUHFXUUHQWO\5632FHUWL¿HGDQLQFUHDVHRI 6 percentage points from last year. Mindful of the current level of supply and demand which YDULHVVLJQL¿FDQWO\EHWZHHQPDUNHWV$$.KDV revised its time bound plan to only handling RUVXSSO\LQJ5632FHUWL¿HGFUXGHSDOPRLOE\ 2018 and all other products by 2020. IRUSURGXFLQJ5632FHUWL¿HGVXVWDLQDEOHSDOP RLO&6327KHUHDUHWKUHHREYLRXVDGYDQ- WDJHVWRWKLV Manufacturers of consumer products get a simple way to support sustainable palm production Smallholders who lack access to a FHUWL¿HGVXSSO\FKDLQFDQREWDLQD premium for their efforts No requirements for supply chain FHUWL¿FDWLRQPDNHVWKLVWKHIDVWHVW way to engage in the support of sustainable palm oil The GreenPalm Program supports the production of sustainable palm products that meet WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVGH¿QHGLQWKH3ULQFLSOHV and Criteria of the Roundtable on Sustainable 3DOP2LO5632 “ “

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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