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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

Rapeseed – sourcing close to home Rapeseed is an important raw material at $$.7KDQNVWRORFDOVHHGVXSSOLHUVDQG LQKRXVHSURFHVVLQJ$$.FDQRIIHURLOV from traditional seeds and a range of spe- FLDOLW\YDULDQWV Most of the rapeseed used by AAK’s products is grown in Sweden, where farms have increased their output in recent years. Through close cooperation with the farmers, AAK is able to maintain control of the entire value chain, IURPWKHSURGXFWLRQRIUDZPDWHULDOWR¿QLVKHG products. The rapeseed meal that remains after oil extraction is used as animal feed. With a high oleic acid content, rapeseed oil has the lowest saturated fat content of all vegetable oils and is high in monounsaturated fatty acids. It also contains the essential fatty acids OLQROHLFDFLG2PHJDDQGDOSKDOLQROHQLFDFLG 2PHJDDVZHOODVYLWDPLQ(WRFRSKHURO and vitamin K. Its nutritional and functional properties mean that rapeseed oil is ideal for use as a cooking oil or ingredient. Food applications range from mayonnaise and salad dressings to baby food. In margarines and bakery products, rapeseed oil ensures the right consistency and an im- SURYHGQXWULWLRQDOSUR¿OH For high-temperature processes, high-oleic- DFLGYDULHWLHVRIUDSHVHHGDUHVLJQL¿FDQWO\PRUH suitable. The advantages are a low saturated fat content together with good thermal and storage stability. 20 | AAK Responsible growth

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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