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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

AAK Responsible growth | 21 Shea – a strategic raw material Good crop in the 2013/2014 season 6KHDNHUQHOVDUHDYHU\LPSRUWDQWDQG XQLTXHUDZPDWHULDOIRU$$.7KHVKHD WUHHLVDZLOGWUHHJURZLQJLQDEHOWDFURVV $IULFDVRXWKRI6DKDUD Countries with the highest population of shea WUHHVLQFOXGH0DOL%XUNLQD)DVR1LJHULD *KDQD,YRU\&RDVW%HQLQDQG7RJR±DOVR some of the least developed countries in the world. Due to a very long maturity period, shea trees are not grown in plantations. Shea is a wild crop, meaning we never experience two similar seasons. The 2013/2014 season produced quite a good crop. For the women in West Africa, it was possible to collect a lot of shea kernels with less effort than the previous year. AAK continued the pursuit for streamlining and increasing the supply chain from the West African women to the company’s factories in Scandinavia. Last year, the construction of DQHZ\DUGZDVLQLWLDWHGLQ%RER'LRODVVRX %XUNLQD)DVRZKLFKLVVFKHGXOHGWREHUHDG\ August 2014. This yard will further improve $$.¶VLQÀXHQFHRQWKHEXVLQHVVFRQGXFWDQG working conditions in the West African bush. The yard comprises warehouses, weighing EULGJHVRI¿FHVODERUDWRULHVVWDIITXDUWHUV and a workshop for trucks. In all of the entities we operate in West Africa, we put great effort into complying with national legislation and providing means of health to our staff, such as vaccination programs and mosquito nets. For all of the companies we work with in West Africa, we put great effort into spreading knowledge, understanding and eventually full compliance with the AAK Supplier Code of Conduct. We do realize that full compliance will only happen gradually and at a steady pace. AAK continues its involvement as a founding member of the Global Shea Alliance. AAK has been part of the Quality working group and is a sustainable partner. In the years to come, we intend to continue this path toward a short, streamlined and transparent supply chain. We will continue to aim for a sustainable value chain and thus also focus on environmental aspects. We are open to cooperation with all stakeholders that share this vision. Henrik Vingaard Sourcing & Trading Director Mali %XUNLQD)DVR Côte d’Ivoire Ghana %HQLQ Togo Over more than 60 years, AAK has gained extensive knowledge and experience of this raw material and the local communities in which AAK operates. Selected shea trees are continuously monitored to assess the size of the next harvest, and a number of processes take place to ensure an unbroken supply chain from the collection of shea kernels and early pre-treatment, to transportation to ports and warehouses and then shipment to Northern Europe. ,PSURYHGOLYHOLKRRG AAK works with the women who collect the shea kernels, building capacity in local communities. AAK’s work in these areas includes the formation and teaching of women’s groups in villages, and by doing direct business with them, the women have been able to markedly improve their livelihood. “ “

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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