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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

“ Water consumption ,QDGGLWLRQWREHLQJHQHUJ\LQWHQVLYHYHJH WDEOHRLOSURFHVVLQJUHTXLUHVODUJHDPRXQWV RIZDWHUPDLQO\IRUFRROLQJDQGVWHDPSUR- GXFWLRQ0RVW$$.SURGXFWVGRQRWFRQWDLQ ZDWHURQOHDYLQJWKHSODQWV Combined, the Group’s production plants use approximately 41,000,000 m3 of surface water. This water, which is used for cooling, has no contact with products or pollutants and is returned to the source without any change in quality. The discharged water may, however, be slightly warmer than when entering the Group’s system. Surface water consumption stayed at the same level as last year. Ground water and municipal water used in processing totalled 2,100,000 m3, the same level compared to 2012. Calculated as processing 28 | AAK Responsible growth water per MT produced, consumption has decreased by 13 percent, the result of PXOWLSOHZDWHUHI¿FLHQF\SURMHFWVDFURVVWKH Group’s production sites. :DWHUGLVFKDUJH When water is discharged, its quality is meas- XUHGE\WZRGLIIHUHQWPHWKRGV%2'ELR- FKHPLFDOR\JHQGHPDQGDQG&2'FKHPLFDO R\JHQGHPDQG7KLVGHWHUPLQHVWKHGHJUHH of pollution and has to be within stipulated limit YDOXHV7KHPHWKRGXVHGLVGH¿QHGE\WKH local authorities. 7RWDO%2'IRUVLWHVXVLQJWKLVPHWKRGZDV 7 MT while COD was 784 MT. Measurements are within the stipulated limits. All discharged water from AAK sites is treated at own or municipal treatment plants. Water :DWHUFRQVXPSWLRQ X 1000 M3 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 :DWHUGLVFKDUJH X 1000 M3 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Wood pellets contributes to local community sustainability AAK’s setup in Uruguay takes advantage of the country’s rather unique pool of resources LQWHUPVRIUHQHZDEOHHQHUJLHVSHUFHQWRI the electrical energy generated in the country FDPHIURPQRQIRVVLOVRXUFHVLQ The steam for AAK’s productive processes, which represents 88 percent of all the energy consumption of the plant, is generated by means of a wood pellet boiler. Wood pellets according to IPCC are considered part of the natural carbon balance of the ecosystem. For AAK in Uruguay, the use of wood pellets as a combustible not only represents an HQYLURQPHQWDOEHQH¿WLWLVDOVRDYDOXDEOH contribution to local community sustainability, since increased wood production, encouraged by the forest policy of Uruguay, has had a positive impact on the generation of income and employment for many families. Maria Soledad Regional Manager for Applications and 3URGXFW4XDOLW\LQ8UXJXD\ “

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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