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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

Water Saving Program at AAK in Mexico reduced consumption by 30 percent “ í ,PSURYHPHQWRIWKHSK\VLFDOFRQGLWLRQV 'XULQJWKH¿UVWPRQWKVRIWKH2SWLPLD- tion Committee of AAK in Mexico made an DQDO\VLVWR¿QGLPSURYHPHQWDVSHFWV7KH analysis showed that water consumption was a critical aspect at that time. Therefore we established the objective of water saving and programs to be implemented. The objective was a 10 percent reduction of the total water consumption compared with 2012. 7KHSURJUDPVLPSOHPHQWHGZHUH Recycle program. A key action was the installation and startup of the water recycling plant, which began operating in March 2013. The contribution was 28,000 m3/year. Condensate recovery program. Condensate recovery was improved and became PRUHHI¿FLHQWLQYDULRXVDUHDVRIWKH plant. Optimization of the cooling tower operation. 7KHIROORZLQJDFWLRQVZHUHWDNHQ í ,QVWDOODWLRQRIDXWRPDWLFSXUJHVDQG level controls. 'XULQJ$$.¶VSURGXFWLRQSODQWVJHQ- HUDWHG07RIZDVWHDSHUFHQWGH- FUHDVHFRPSDUHGWRSHUFHQWRIWKH total amount of waste was non-hazardous. In waste disposal, there is a clear, very determined effort toward reducing waste going to ODQG¿OO1HYHUWKHOHVVQHZDFTXLVLWLRQVMRLQLQJ the AAK Group had previously had a low waste disposal focus and their challenge now is to improve waste management to a level that meets AAK’s objective for 2015, which is send- LQJOHVVWKDQSHUFHQWWRODQG¿OO&KDQJHVWR US legislation regarding the use of bleaching earth also presents new challenges. In 2013, 07ZHUHGLVSRVHGRIDVODQG¿OOZKLFK is an increase of 700 MT compared to 2012. A large proportion of the waste is shea meal, which is the residual product when oil is extracted from shea kernels. Shea meal has no nutritional value and is used as biomass in power plants. 7KHPDMRULW\RI$$.¶V¿QLVKHGSURGXFWVDUH GHOLYHUHGLQEXONGH¿QHGDVPRUHWKDQ07 per delivery unit, thus including pallet tanks. Delivering products in bulk means a reduction LQSDFNDJLQJPDWHULDO%\ZHLJKWSHUFHQW of AAK’s products are bulk deliveries, while 43 percent are packed goods. Waste of the cooling towers. A program was reinforced to identify and eliminate steam and water leaks. &OHDQLQJSUDFWLFHVZHUHPRGL¿HGWRWU\WR reduce water consumption. The total water consumption reduction was 30 percent compared to 2012, which represents 113,687 m3/year. This is equivalent to the annual consumption of 577 homes in Mexico. 7KHFKDOOHQJHQRZLVWRFRQWLQXH¿QGLQJ opportunities to contribute to the reduction of water consumption. In 2014, we aim to save an additional 3 percent to the 30 percent we have already reached. José Luis Paredes Goche 6DIHW\ +\JLHQH$$.0HLFR Ashes to fertilizer “ “ In order to reduce emissions of fossil carbon dioxide, the use of biofuel from the Swedish forest is on the increase. However, nutrients must be returned to the forest to avoid impoverishing the forest soil. One method to do this is to use the ashes from incineration where FOHDQZRRGFKLSVRUSHOOHWVDUHXVHG%\ ¿ULQJSHOOHWV$$.¶VIDFWRU\LQ.DUOVKDPQ Sweden, obtains 400 MT of ashes per year, which meets the requirements to be spread into the forest. The company $VNXQJHQ9LWDOUHFHLYHVWKHDVKHVDQG cures them for at least three months. After that, the ashes are ground and then spread in the growing forest. For AAK in Karlshamn, this means a good, environmentally friendly use of ashes at a cost equal to previous handling, in which the ashes were deposited. Jim Broberg +6(0DQDJHU$$..DUOVKDPQ “ 2013 waste disposal 28% 66% 4% 2% Reuse Recycle Recover Landfill Hazardous waste % 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total waste MT 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 AAK Responsible growth | 29

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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