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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

Labour rights /DERXUULJKWVLVVXHVDUHJRYHUQHGE\$$.¶V &653ROLF\ZKLFKDSSOLHVWRDOO*URXSVLWHV $PRQJRWKHUWKLQJVWKHSROLF\VWDWHV$$.¶V YLHZRQFKLOGODERXUDQG\RXQJZRUNHUVRQ IRUFHGODERXUDQGRQIUHHGRPRIDVVRFL DWLRQDQGWKHULJKWWRFROOHFWLYHEDUJDLQLQJ 43 percent of AAK’s employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements. In Montevideo, Uruguay, there were 9 strikes in 2013 that lasted 40 days in total. The strikes were triggered by the three party salary round negotiations that take place every three years. The FRQÀLFWZDVVROYHGE\WKHHQGRIWKH\HDU7KH consequences for customers were mitigated by building up stock in advance and, in some cases, by delivery from other AAK sites. AAK does not have a Group policy that stipulates a common, cross-group notice period for VLJQL¿FDQWRSHUDWLRQDOFKDQJHV,QVWHDGZH abide by national legislation and local agreements based on collective bargaining, combined ZLWKWKDWZKLFKLVRXWOLQHGLQWKH&653ROLF\ 32 | AAK Responsible growth ³:HJLYHIDLUQRWLFHWRHPSOR\HHVRIVLJQL¿FDQW changes that could substantially affect them.” Giving staff equal and fair treatment is another focus area of the CSR Policy. During 2013, there were no recorded complaints of discrimination. The ratio of basic salary for men relative to women is not reported, since interpretation Health and safety at AAK When it comes to working for a better and more effective risk prevention, everyone at AAK is involved and part of the solution. The improvements in AAK’s health and safety performance RYHUWKHODVW¿YHRUVL\HDUVDUHDFROOHFWLYH achievement that all employees can take pride in and build upon. In 2013 we launched a global safety cam- SDLJQDQGWKHEHQH¿WVIURPWKLVFOHDUO\GHP- onstrate that working together, in an open environment and by sharing best practices whilst learning from our mistakes, not only breaks down barriers, but also makes it pos- VLEOHWRDFKLHYHVLJQL¿FDQWLPSURYHPHQWVDW an accelerated rate. During 2014 we have aimed to establish three core operational principles – a relentless focus on Service, Quality and Productivity, whilst achieving our ambitions for our health and safety performance. Together with the mentioned principles, we are further developing RXUIRXURSHUDWLRQDOYDOXHV&XVWRPHUIRFXV Deliver on commitments, Passion for excellence and Winning. Another key development during 2014 was the re-launch of our values and behaviors, which are fully aligned with our strategy. David Smith President European Supply Chain ,¶PD¿UPEHOLHYHUWKDWSHRSOHPDNHXSDQ organization, and by energizing the company around our key values we ensure that every-one is playing their role in helping AAK to meet our strategic goals and deliver leading performance. To help all of our employees to become familiar with our goals and understand their importance, an extensive roll-out has been taking place, which includes town hall sessions hosted by various local site leaders, including members of our Executive Committee. I have participated in many of these myself and I am very encouraged by the enthusiasm and eagerness of all employees to improve our business result. There are still further opportunities to improve upon, including safety and sustainability, and a more rigorous approach to talent development and transitioning our culture and behaviors based on a continuous improvement mindset. ,¶PFRQ¿GHQWKRZHYHUWKDWZHDUHGULYLQJIRU- ward in the right direction and that our focus on operational excellence will result in the leading performance that we have set out to achieve. “ “ of the data would not give a true picture. On average, AAK pays more in salary to male employees than to female employees, not because the basic salary for male employees is higher, but because male employees generally have jobs with a higher salary. For the same job, the salary for male and female employees is the same.

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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