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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

AAK Responsible growth | 33 E-learning anti-corruption $$.KDVVLJQHGWKH81*OREDO&RPSDFW FRPPLWWLQJ$$.WRHVWDEOLVKDQWLFRUUXSWLRQ PHDVXUHVDQGDQWLFRUUXSWLRQKDVDOVR EHHQDGGUHVVHGLQWKH&RGHRI&RQGXFW WKH6XSSOLHU&RGHRI&RQGXFWDQGWKH&RGH RI&RQGXFWIRU$JHQWVDQG'LVWULEXWRUV However, corruption still remains a common risk throughout the world for all companies, and a Staying healthy 6DIHW\LQWKHZRUNSODFHLVDOVRDERXWPDLQ- WDLQLQJKHDOWK$$.LVSUHVHQWLQPDQ\FRXQ- WULHVZLWKYHU\GLIIHUHQWFXOWXUHVYDU\LQJ degrees of health awareness and differ- HQWKHDOWKLQLWLDWLYHVE\ORFDORUQDWLRQDO authorities. For this reason, there is no uniform approach to maintaining health, activities are instead guided by local decision making, based on a needs assessment. Most initiatives focus on employees. Examples of AAK’s health initia- WLYHVDQGRIIHUVLQFOXGH First aid and safety training Widespread protective equipment Computer glasses Health checks and vaccinations Access to sports facilities Company sporting events Healthy food offers For employees in West Africa, AAK offers free mosquito nets, annual information on risk control, vaccination against yellow fever, meningitis Efforts pay off for global safety management team In early 2013, the Global Safety Management Team was formed to address safety at AAK on a global scale. There had been interaction between the sites, but nothing formal until this group was FUHDWHG7KHJURXSKHOGLWV¿UVWPHHWLQJLQ March 2013 at the AAK facility in Port Newark, New Jersey, USA. 6DIHW\LVDOZD\VWKH¿UVWSULRULW\DW$$.DQG the health and well-being of employees, vis - decision has been made to internally promote awareness and knowledge of this topic. To that end, a series of e-learning modules addressing anti-corruption topics has been launched. The modules have a length of approximately 15 minutes and end with a multiple choice test. For employees at increased risk of encountering corruption, these modules are mandatory and must be passed. itors and contractors is paramount. While every VDIHW\UHSUHVHQWDWLYHIRFXVHVRQWKHLUVSHFL¿F facilities, interaction between the various sites is a crucial factor in establishing world-class safety standards throughout AAK. Streamlining practices and procedures at a global level allows us to ensure the safest operations at local level. The Global Safety Management Team has developed procedures for dealing with change management, auditing, incident tracking and process safety management. The procedures 7KH¿UVWPRGXOHZLWKDJHQHUDOLQWURGXFWLRQ to anti-corruption, was launched in early 2014. The second module, with a focus on competition law, will be launched in late 2014. The purpose of the training modules is to ensure awareness of what is corruption and provide knowledge about how to deal with it. for each facility – while somewhat different due to local laws and regulations – have allowed AAK to grow globally in the safety realm. 2013 saw the efforts pay off as overall safety incidents were reduced and the LTIR objective of a 10 percent reduction was met. Scott Welsh (QYLURQPHQWDO+HDOWK 6DIHW\0DQDJHU AAK US and cholera, and health insurance – again based on a local needs assessment. AAK Mexico also operates health facilities and offers consultation for employees’ family members and the local community as a whole. “ “

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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