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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

Corporate social responsibility on the map 3URGXFWLRQSODQWVDQGVDOHVRI¿FHV 6DOHVRI¿FHV Customisation plants Sourcing operations AAK Responsible growth | ,9 Our reason for being AAK’s core business is the production of vegetable oils and fats from natural, renewable raw materials. Produced in our plants in Europe and the Americas, our products reach global mar- NHWVWKURXJKRXUVDOHVRI¿FHVLQNH\ORFDWLRQV throughout the world and our close network of agents and distributors. We use raw materials, such as rapeseed, VR\DEHDQVVKHDNHUQHOVVXQÀRZHURLODQG palm oil, primarily sourced in Northern Europe, West Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. Some raw materials – seeds and kernels – are crushed and the oil is extracted at our production plants, while others are bought as crude RLOVRUVHPLUH¿QHGRLOVZKLFKZHWKHQSURFHVV DQGUH¿QHIXUWKHU Drawing on our extensive knowledge and experience, we utilise and add value to the natural properties of vegetable oils and fats, and this has been our speciality for more than a century. $YLWDOLQJUHGLHQW Fat is essential to human life. We need it for energy, to absorb vitamins, to produce hormones and to provide us with essential fatty acids that our bodies are unable to synthesise. However, following the rise in obesity and obesity-related diseases, fat is often seen as harmful and something to be avoided. At AAK, we work continuously to develop healthy types of oils and fats that meet the requirements of customers and consumers. Part of daily life Close customer cooperation is central to our work, whether identifying the right solution for an application or developing new products. As a supplier to a wide range of manufacturers of branded goods in the food, cosmetics, animal feed and technical industries, we interact with very different customers who have very different needs. However, all our customers have one interest LQFRPPRQDSSO\LQJYDOXHDGGHGYHJHWDEOH oils and fats in their products. As a result, vegetable oils and fats from AAK are present in many of the products we all use and consume on a daily basis. Wood pellets used as a combustible in Uruguay. Page 27. Noise has been reduced at the plant in Hull, UK. Page 35. AAK in Runcorn, UK, donated recycled furniture to organisations in Africa. Page 40. AAK in Port Newark and Louisville raised several thousand USD for the American Cancer Society. Page 40. %RLOHUVDWWKHSODQWLQ$DUKXV in Denmark were insulated which reduced the loss of en- HUJ\VLJQL¿FDQWO\3DJH School benches have been donated to a school LQ%HQLQLQ:HVW$IULFD Page 39. A new yard for handling our shea operations is under construction in %XUNLQD)DVR3DJH AAK Mexico has received Great Place to Work Award. Page 35. Water saving program reduced consumption by 30 percent. Page 29.

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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