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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

AAK Responsible growth | 39 AAK donated school benches in Benin in West Africa In early May, AAK delivered 40 school bench- HVWR&ROOqJHG¶(QVHLJQHPHQW*pQpUDOGH .RPLJXpD±ORFDWHGQHWWR$$.¶VVKHDSUR- FXUHPHQWFHQWHU.1$5%HQLQ6$5/LQQRUWK- HUQ%HQLQ:HVW$IULFD The benches were made locally in a typical seating style for two pupils and donated as part of a sponsorship to help the school expand its capacity by 80 seats. The school is facing higher GHPDQGVLQFHWKH%HQLQ*RYHUQPHQWGHFLGHG that schooling for girls should now be free. However, the means to provide housing and VHDWLQJLVODFNLQJDQGZHDW$$.IHHOSURXGWR be giving a helping hand to these local students DQGKHOSLQJWKHPEXLOGDEHWWHUIXWXUH7KH new school buildings were built by locals and funded by the actual village. The students are aged between 11 and 18 DQGFRPHIURP.RPLJXpD±WKHQHLJKERXULQJ YLOODJHZKHUHPDQ\HPSOR\HHVDW.1$5%HQLQ SARL also live, i.e. some of them will grow up DQG¿QGZRUNDWRXU\DUGLQDIHZ\HDUV¶WLPH &KULVWHU<HOO &RXQWU\0DQDJHU%HQLQ7RJR During the short delivery ceremony at WKHVFKRROERWKYLOODJHDQGVFKRRODX- thorities spoke well of AAK’s support in short speeches – as did the happy faces of the students! “ “

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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