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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

CSR approach Engaging with stakeholders Responsible growth is the key objective of the AAKtion strategy and is essential to the Group’s YLVLRQRIEHLQJWKH¿UVWFKRLFHIRUYDOXHDGGHG vegetable oil solutions. For AAK, responsible growth is about responsibility toward all key stakeholders – the local communities where AAK operates, global customers, employees, investors and suppliers. AAK’s model for responsible growth is a dynamic one, continuously enhanced by new knowledge, changes in the external environment and engagement with key stakeholders for their input. Input from key stakeholders comes from ongoing dialogue, at both local and corporate levels, about their expectations of the AAK Group now and in the future. What do they expect from AAK as a good neighbour, a preferred supplier, an attractive workplace, a SUR¿WDEOHLQYHVWPHQWDQGDYDOXHGFXVWRPHU" Their input guides us to where, and at what level, AAK should set its next objectives to drive future performance in this area. 42 | AAK Responsible growth An example of input from shareholders is their emphasis that sustainable sourcing is a key element when reviewing new investment RSWLRQVVLQFHWKLVDIIHFWVWKHULVNSUR¿OHRIWKHLU SRUWIROLR7KLVLQSXWKDVUHFRQ¿UPHGVWURQJ focus within this area, and has supported and guided AAK to raise the ambition level. 2QJRLQJGLDORJXHZLWKHWHUQDO stakeholders AAK values the ongoing input from, and dialogue with, stakeholders in regard to our CSR approach, including their assessments of the Group’s efforts. Through this dialogue, we FDQHQVXUHWKDW$$.FRQWLQXHVWREHWKHLU¿UVW choice, also when it comes to CSR. AAK regularly receives questionnaires, supplier codes of conducts and suchlike from our customers and investors, which we respond to in accordance with our policies. This type of input, combined with sustainability reports, materiality analysis etc. serves as an important guide to priorities on our stakeholders’ agendas AAK responsible growth Transparency Sedex Sustainability Report AAK web Partnerships Stakeholders Legislation Trends %HQFKPDUNV CSR organisation Objectives and GRI Marketplace Supply chain Environment Workplace Community Group CSR policies and codes UN Global Compact – and supports our continuous, proactive efforts to maintain an up-to-date perception of what may be expected from us in the future. &RQWDFWV Jesper Korning Global CSR Manager (PDLOMHVSHUNRUQLQJ#DDNFRP Anne Mette Olesen &KLHI0DUNHWLQJ2I¿FHU Or e-mail

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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