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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

AAK Responsible growth | 43 Investor Relations 6KDUHKROGHUV AAK endeavours to generate an attractive return on investments for its shareholders. The largest shareholder is Melker Schörling $%ZKLFKLQGLUHFWO\RZQVSHUFHQWRI$$. In total, approximately 75 percent of AAK’s shareholders are Swedish. More information about AAK’s ownership structure is available at 'LDORJXHZLWKVKDUHKROGHUV Dialogue with shareholders is primarily conducted through AAK’s Investor Relations function. Examples of Investor Relations activities include capital market days, road shows for meeting institutional investors, meetings with equity analysts and local meetings with the Swedish Shareholders’ Association. The Annual General Meeting is also important for close dialogue with shareholders. 6KDUHKROGHUVDFWLYLWLHV Capital market days Road shows Meetings with institutional investors Meetings with equity analysts Local meetings with the Swedish Shareholders’ Association Annual General Meeting AAK strives to facilitate current and potential shareholder assessments of our performance through the transparent communication of our ¿QDQFLDOUHVXOWVDQGRXUZRUNWRHQKDQFHHQYLU onmental and social sustainability. During the year, we engaged in dialogues with a number of socially responsible investment analysts and investors. Some investors have a particularly strong focus on CSR, and seek greater insights into how companies manage sustainability and corporate responsibility issues, particularly with regard to long and short term-risks affecting the business. AAK meets with such investors regularly, and provides information on our strategy and approach, risk management and anti-corruption program, among other issues. The intention is that the Group’s annual Sustainability Report is the most appropriate DQGHI¿FLHQWFKDQQHOIRUSURYLGLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ about AAK’s CSR practices. For this reason, the aim is to answer the most common questions in this report. However, a constructive dialogue on risks, opportunities and strategies related to CSR and sustainability is valued. $$.±DZDUGZLQQLQJFRPSDQ\ IR Nordic Markets organises an annual evalua- WLRQRIWKH¿QDQFLDOFRPPXQLFDWLRQRI6ZHGLVK listed companies. AAK was recognized as ”the second best listed Nordic Mid Cap company 2013. IR Nordic Markets is the largest IR study in the Nordic region, and was performed for the sixtheenth consecutive year. The study covered feedback from analysts and investors in the Nordic region and Europe, which provided the basis for assigning the different awards. 2013

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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