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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

AAK Responsible growth | 51 Reporting criteria 6FRSHDQGPDWHULDOLW\ 7KLVLVWKH¿IWK$$.6XVWDLQDELOLW\UHSRUW 7KH¿UVWZDVSXEOLVKHGLQ2FWREHU and our aim is still to continue reporting on an annual basis. Since commencing structured reporting in 2008, we have followed the Global Re- SRUWLQJ,QLWLDWLYH¶V*5,*6XVWDLQDELOLW\ Reporting Guidelines. As this is the most widely used reporting framework, we believe many readers will already be familiar ZLWKLWVSULQFLSOHVDQG¿QGWKHPKHOSIXO when searching for information. We have focused on GRI Core Performance Indicators with a few additions from GRI’s Food Processing Sector Supplement. %HFDXVH*5,LVDQDOOHQFRPSDVVLQJ format, it is not relevant for us to report on all criteria. In 2010, we initiated an internal process to identify the issues relevant to our business and our stakeholders. This involved discussions with staff at all sites and feedback from other stakeholder groups. In 2013, we began using the materiality analysis tool to map our own priorities against our stakeholder priorities. That has been a very useful tool in identifying important focus areas. Our ambition is to focus on reporting the information requested by stakeholders, or that of internal value. This Sustainability Report is a supplement to the AAK Annual Report 2013 and the AAK Report 2013 and, therefore, only FRQWDLQVDVXPPDU\RI¿QDQFLDOSHUIRU- PDQFH¿JXUHV%RWKUHSRUWVDUHDYDLODEOH on AAK’s website. In general, the data in this report cover our activities from January 1 to December 31, 2013. Updated information for some 2014 events is included, since they are considered to be of material importance to our stakeholders. (QYLURQPHQWDOGDWD*5,DEEUHYLDWLRQ (1UHODWHWRWKH$$.SURGXFWLRQSODQWV that were fully operational in 2013 and the AAK products produced by our toll production partner Cousa in Montevideo, Uruguay. Other core data also include purchasing VLWHVDQGVDOHVRI¿FHV 'DWDDQGFDOFXODWLRQV We release the GRI Report internally in WKH¿UVWTXDUWHURIHYHU\\HDU7KHUHSRUW is based on information received from all sites, and contains both local and compiled global data. A section showing trends from the previous year is also included. Data and information from the GRI Report form the basis of our Sustainability Report, which is published externally. The majority of data in the Sustainability Report are drawn from measurements. Air emissions data are based on direct meas- XUHPHQWVFDOFXODWLRQVEDVHGRQVSHFL¿F data and calculations based on default values. Information concerning purchased electricity from renewable resources is based on national grid information, if not purchased as green electricity. Information about employees, including numbers, gender, composition etc., is calculated per December 31 2013 and based on payroll information. 6RPHPLQRUGDWDHUURUVZHUHLGHQWL¿HG and corrected in the 2012 reporting, and will differ from the 2012 reporting. The only relevant to mention being energy consumption and the derived data was caused by miscalculation at one of our sites. From our experience of the reporting process, we expect corrections will also be necessary in future reports. Nevertheless, we believe that the trends and overall picture JLYHQDUHDWUXHUHÀHFWLRQRIRXUDFWLYLWLHV The data included comprises data reported to authorities, and information generated VSHFL¿FDOO\IRUWKLVUHSRUW7KHUHSRUWKDV not been reviewed by external auditors. We trust that the requirements of authorities along with their effective scrutiny of the FRPSDQ\DUHDVXI¿FLHQWJXDUDQWHHRIWKH accuracy of the data reported.

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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