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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

Responsible growth at AAK Responsible growth is the key objective of our AAKtion strategy, and is essential to our vision RIEHLQJWKH¿UVWFKRLFHIRUYDOXHDGGHGYHJHWDEOHRLOVROXWLRQV)RUXVUHVSRQVLEOHJURZWKLV about our responsibility towards all of our key stakeholders – the local communities where we RSHUDWHRXUFXVWRPHUVRXUHPSOR\HHVRXULQYHVWRUVDQGRXUVXSSOLHUV%DVHGRQRXUVWUDW- egy, input from our stakeholders and market trends we have developed a model for responsible growth to guide our global CSR work. 7KH81*OREDO&RPSDFW81*&LVDVROLG platform and a broad concept based on ten universal principles within Human and Labour Rights, Environment and Anti-corruption. It enjoys participation by all of the major players in global business and CSR, including the *5,*OREDO5HSRUWLQJ,QLWLDWLYH(7,(WKLFDO 7UDGLQJ,QLWLDWLYH,&&,QWHUQDWLRQDO&KDPEHU RI&RPPHUFHDQG2(&'2UJDQLVDWLRQIRU (FRQRPLF&RRSHUDWLRQDQG'HYHORSPHQW$$. has been a member of the UNGC since 2002. AAK’s CSR policies and codes are based on the UNGC, and apply globally to all AAK business activities. So are the policies and codes of many of our customers, which enhances our strategic alignment. :HKDYHGH¿QHG¿YH&65IRFXVDUHDV±WKH ‘pillars’ – that are important to our business. These provide an overview and help us focus our resources. To maintain momentum and drive improve- PHQWZHGH¿QHREMHFWLYHVZLWKLQHDFKRIWKH ¿YHIRFXVDUHDV)XUWKHUZHPRQLWRUPDQ\ other indicators internally, based on the GRI guidelines. The engine behind all of this is our global CSR organisation, established in 2007. To be transparent and share information with stakeholders is also part of our approach. Sedex facilitates the sharing of information with customers. Our Sustainability report shares information globally, primarily with investors in AAK, and via the web with all stakeholders. Partnering with other businesses, NGOs, and governmental agencies is a key element of the Global Compact concept, and we are proud to participate in several partnerships. The RSPO, the Global Shea Alliance, the UNDP and the %XUNLQD)DVRSURMHFWDUHDIHZHDPSOHVRIWKHVH Our CSR system is not static, adjusting instead to input from such stakeholders as customers, investors, and employees. We monitor new and upcoming legislation. We follow trends in our communities, and benchmark our CSR practices against those of retailers, customers and competitors. Our overall objective is to grow AAK responsibly and achieve sustainability as a whole. AAK Responsible growth Transparency Sedex Sustainability Report AAK web Partnerships Stakeholders Legislation Trends %HQFKPDUNV CSR organisation Objectives and GRI Marketplace Supply chain Environment Workplace Community Group CSR policies and codes UN Global Compact 2 | AAK Responsible growth

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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