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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

Global CSR objectives and achievements 2013 and 2014+ The objectives and achievements for AAK for 2013 and 2014+ are presented below in brief. 7KHREMHFWLYHVDQGDFKLHYHPHQWVDUHIXUWKHUFRPPHQWHGLQPRUHGHWDLOLQWKH¿YHVHFWLRQVWR which they apply, namely Marketplace, Supply chain, Environment, Workplace and Community. Marketplace Global CSR objectives 2013+ Global CSR achievements 2013 6HGH ,QFUHDVHWKHQXPEHURISURGXFWLRQVLWHVVKDULQJ&65 data with customers on Sedex 4 | AAK Responsible growth 6HGH Sites sharing ethical information on Sedex remained at 8. Plans for including new acquisitions postponed 5632 ,QFUHDVHWKHQXPEHURISURGXFWLRQVLWHVEHLQJ5632 VXSSO\FKDLQFHUWL¿HG 5632 6XSSO\FKDLQFHUWL¿FDWLRQRIVLWHVSURFHVVLQJSDOPRLOLQ- creased 10 percentage points Supply chain 6XSSOLHU&RGHRI&RQGXFW 0LQLPXP98 percent implementation for direct raw PDWHULDOVXSSOLHUVHFO:HVW$IULFD 6XSSOLHU&RGHRI&RQGXFW Objective exceeded with 98.4 percent implemented 0LQLPXP95 percent implementation for direct raw material suppliers in West Africa Objective achieved with 95 percent implemented Environment (QHUJ\ \HDUHQHUJ\HI¿FLHQF\SURFHVVGULYHQE\ORFDOHQHUJ\ HI¿FLHQF\WHDPVDWDOOVLWHV 7HDPVHVWDEOLVKHGPRQWKO\PHHWLQJVDQGDWOHDVW one project initiated (QHUJ\HI¿FLHQF\SURMHFWVDWDOOVLWHVGHOLYHULQJ according to plan (QHUJ\HI¿FLHQF\UHVXOWVGRFXPHQWHGDWDOOVLWHV (QHUJ\ 7HDPVHVWDEOLVKHGDWDOOVLWHVZLWKUHJXODUPHHWLQJV(I¿- ciency projects initiated including other than energy projects Waste 0LQLPXP98.5 percent of waste disposed as reused, recycled or recovered Waste 96.3 percent disposed as reused, recycled or recovered Workplace 6DIHW\ ,PSOHPHQWD*OREDO6DIHW\6\VWHPDQGFRQGXFW annual safety audits at all sites 6DIHW\ Global Safety System established and operational. All sites safety audited /RVW7LPH,QMXU\5DWH/7,5 5HGXFH/7,5E\DPLQLPXPRI10 percent per year HFO:HVW$IULFD%DVH\HDUDW1.5 /7,5WRVWD\DWRUEHORZ2.3 in West Africa /RVW7LPH,QMXU\5DWH/7,5 Objective exceeded with average /RVW7LPH,QMXU\5DWH1.2, a reduction by 20 percent Objective met with Lost Time Injury Rate remaining at 2.3 3HUIRUPDQFHDQG'HYHORSPHQW3ODQ3'3 $OOHPSOR\HHVWRKDYHD3'3E\4 3HUIRUPDQFHDQG'HYHORSPHQW3ODQ 100 percent completed by Q2 Community /RFDOHQJDJHPHQW (QJDJLQJLQORFDOSURMHFWVDQGDFWLYLWLHV /RFDOHQJDJHPHQW All sites are engaged in relevant local community activities in a variety of ways

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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