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AAK - Sustainability Report 2014/2015

Marketplace understanding of customer needs. Knowing your customers means knowing your markets, and that gives AAK a head start when responding to market trends. From time to time, AAK even has set new trends through the development of leading-edge solutions.   Oils and fats from AAK perform valuable functions in customers’ products. They may ensure the right meltdown property, carry flavour, supply essential fatty acids, provide structure and much more. In each case, AAK’s understanding right solution. This is why close cooperation is so important. In cooperation with our customers’ key people, AAK’s experts test applications, develop solutions and explore new production 9 This section covers all areas in which AAK interacts with customers. It includes products, product development, food safety, product information and market communication. Interaction with customers is based on sound business ethics and a deep understanding of the company’s responsibility for safeguarding customer brands. As a supplier of ingredients for some of the world’s best-known brands, AAK recognizes its role and its customers’ expectations and sees these as key elements in the way the AAK company program, AAKtion, is executed. AAK focuses on three business areas: Food Ingredients Our largest business area primarily offers solutions to the Bakery, Infant Nutrition, Dairy and Food Service industries. Chocolate & Confectionery Fats Our second largest business area offers functional cocoa butter alternatives for chocolate, compounds for coating and moulding, and speciality fats for confectionery fillings. Technical Products & Feed The Technical Products & Feed business area offers fatty acids and glycerine for various applications and proteins and fats for animal feed. Over the years, AAK has established longstanding relationships Marketplace achievements 2014 AAK Code of Conduct for Agents and Distributors After successfully having implemented our Code of Conduct with all employees, and our Supplier Code of Conduct with our raw material suppliers, we launched our Code of Conduct for Agents and Distributors in May 2014. We were aiming to achieve a 50 percent implementation but due to already established contracts the objective unfortunately takes a bit longer to deliver upon. By the end of last year 44 percent of our agents and distributors had accepted and signed our code. with customers built on mutual respect and a detailed of customers’ requirements is key when developing the methods. Anti-corruption training Even though we already address anti-corruption in our Code of Conduct, our Supplier Code of Conduct and our Code of Conduct for Agents and Distributors, we have decided to increase the awareness and knowledge of the topic internally. To that end we launched two e-learning modules addressing anti-corruption topics during 2014, one in February and a second one in October. At the end of the modules there is a multiple choice test that needs to be passed by all employees at increased risk of encountering corruption. By the end of 2014 we had exceeded our objectives of 80 percent for module 1 and 20 percent for module 2 with a completion of 94 percent and 41 percent respectively.

AAK - Sustainability Report 2014/2015
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