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AAK - Sustainability Report 2014/2015

What is the main objective of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil? RSPO’s objective is to promote the growth and use of sustainable oil palm products through credible global standards and engagement of stakeholders. It has been eleven years since WWF initiated the RSPO along with AAK and others. How far has the organization come towards its objectives? When RSPO was formed in 2004, certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO) wasn’t very well received. It was a constant uphill struggle to change the perception of both growers and end users.   Since then there has been significant progress both in attitudes and tangible results. A credible certification scheme has been established with independent certifiers and an independent body to verify those certifiers; complaints processes are in place with an independent review leading to major changes; four supply chain options have been established; we have more than 2,300 members; and most importantly, 20 percent of global palm oil production is now RSPO certified.   However, the RSPO recognizes that it is only part way along the road and that CSPO will only cease to be a niche product when 51 percent of global production is certified. We believe we are well on the way to achieve the end objective, but that there are many more obstacles to overcome. What have been AAK’s main contributions? As a founding member of the RSPO, and a member of the Board of Governors since inception, AAK continues to be very engaged in the RSPO. The company recognizes RSPO certification as the only established and stable systematic organization and standard for sustainable palm oil. What are the main objectives for RSPO within the next couple of years? The RSPO aims to continue to increase production and use of CSPO. Particular challenges are major consuming countries such as China and India and even Indonesia. In addition, the RSPO will focus on smallholders by a jurisdictional approach to enable much wider scale of production of certified sustainable palm oil. We currently have about 145,000 smallholders certified and aim to increase the number significantly. There are many other focus areas, including other production locations in Africa and Latin America and supply chain development. The RSPO is developing into a large and complex organization, but one which keeps its ultimate objective front and center. Darrel Webber RSPO Secretary General ” Towards a sustainable palm oil industry

AAK - Sustainability Report 2014/2015
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