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AAK Insight no 4 2017

AAK USA inaugurates its state of the DUWLQQRYDWLRQODELQ1HZ-HUVH\ In early March, AAK USA unveiled its new innovation lab, AAKtion Lab, with a grand opening ceremony. The Customer Innovation Center, which is AAK’s eleventh, is EDVHGDWWKH86KHDGTXDUWHUVLQ(GLVRQ1HZ-HUVH\7KHIDFLOLW\ZLOOEHWKHÀDJVKLS application lab for the co-development process in the US and Canada. Invited guests included AAK customers and food industry editors from across the United States who, aside from taking SDUWLQWKHRI¿FLDOFHUHPRQ\DWWHQGHGSUHVHQWDWLRQVDQG participated in hands-on sessions in the application labs. “We couldn’t be happier to share this important day in AAK’s history with so many of our key customers, industry press and our hardworking AAK team”, said Terry Thomas, President AAK USA. This innovation lab will allow us to fully execute our co-development approach and will be a huge EHQH¿WWR$$.¶VFXVWRPHUSDUWQHUV&XVWRPHUVFDQFRPH to us with their most challenging Bakery and Chocolate & Confectionery formulations and our team of industry experts will work hand in hand with them to deliver value-adding VROXWLRQVDQGIRUZDUGWKLQNLQJLQQRYDWLRQWRFUHDWH¿QLVKHG products that consumers will love.” In addition to the ribbon-cutting ceremony and walkthrough of the new facility, guests attended a presentation on sustainability by Mark Becker, Vice President of Sales & Marketing and Mark Zavodnyik, Sourcing and Trading Associate, and a presentation on the co-development process E\'U-DPHV6-RQHVZKROHDGVWKH$$.86$&XVWRPHU Innovation team as Vice President. “Today’s manufacturers are faced with some tough formulation challenges, such as converting from PHO to non- 3+2DQGDGGUHVVLQJFOHDQODEHOFRQFHUQV´'U-DPHV6 -RQHVVDLG³2XULQQRYDWLRQODEZLOODOORZXVWRSURYLGHQHZ VROXWLRQVIRUFXVWRPHUVDQGZLOOSULPDULO\EHXVHGIRUWKH¿UVW three stages of our co-development process: Exploration and Ideation, Solutions Creation, and then testing in application.” 12

AAK Insight no 4 2017
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