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AAK Insight no 4 2017

AAK – The Co-Development Company The Co-Development Company. What is really in that brand promise from AAK? In a VLPSOL¿HGZD\\RXFRXOGVD\WKDW$$.FROODERUDWHVZLWKLWVFXVWRPHUV±IURPLGHD to product launch – in order to create value-adding solutions. But how does it work? Insight asked some of AAK’s teams around the world to share some recent successful For Turkish ice cream manufacturers coconut oil has for years been the one and only solution for both ice cream ERG\DQGFRDWLQJVEHFDXVHRILWVVKDUSPHOWLQJSUR¿OHDQG rapid setting. But this year, things have changed. New regulations on school canteens by limiting parameters such as calorie and saturated fat intake. Together with an extremely volatile coconut oil market, ice cream producers are now looking for ways to replace coconut oil without compromising on good taste and melting behaviour. Because of these factors our close collaboration with a reputable leading manufacturer in the region has been revitalized. Making a deeper dive into the customer’s value chain, we came up with the suggestion of Akoice GP 16, a partly lauric stand-alone fat blend solution. Akoice GP 16 removes the need for handling of multiple products and it sets rapidly on the ice cream with a pleasant meltdown. Furthermore, the solution has approximately 20 percent lower saturated fat WKDQDVWDQGDUGUH¿QHGFRFRQXWRLO 14 co-development stories. Customer Co-Development in Turkey New AAK solution for Turkish ice cream manufacturers from the Turkish Ministry of Health have put pressure Customer Co-Development in Central Europe &XVWRPLHGZDIHU¿OOLQJIRU&HQWUDO(XURSHDQSURGXFHU A few years back, a technician from a customer in Central Europe producing wafers attended our AAK Filling Fat Academy. Shortly after, the customer came up with an idea for a QHZSURGXFW±DÀDWZDIHU¿OOLQJZLWKDFRROLQJHIIHFW±DQG asked for our advice. 7KH¿OOLQJZDVWREHYHU\WKLQDQGLWZRXOGQRWEHSRVVLEOH to make it cool melting with such a big part of the product being the wafer. This started a dialogue of what could be done. There were a lot of ideas on the table for the two end application products: shaped wafer sheets and wafer praline ZLWK¿OOLQJVZLWKGLIIHUHQWFUHDPFRQVLVWHQF\7KHIDWWREH XVHGLQWKH¿OOLQJVKDGWREHVSUHDGDEOHZKLSSDEOHDQGFRVW effective. Based on our collaboration with the customer, our understanding of its needs, and the cooperation with the HTXLSPHQWVXSSOLHUD¿OOLQJIDWZLWKWKHVHSURSHUWLHVZDV developed. Together with the customer we had to conduct VHYHUDOWULDOVWR¿QHWXQHWKHFRQVLVWHQF\RIWKH¿QDO¿OOLQJ The biggest concern of the technician in charge was the sticking properties of fat – if the wafer cells would stick to- Our customer conducted a factory trial with Akoice GP 16 by applying our suggestions of increasing the dipping WHPSHUDWXUHRSWLPLLQJWKHHPXOVL¿HUV\VWHPDGMXVWLQJWKH SDUWLFOHVLHLQWKHUH¿QLQJVWHSDQGLQFUHDVLQJWKHWRWDOIDW XVDJHLQWKHFRDWLQJ7KHFXVWRPHUZDVYHU\VDWLV¿HGZLWK the end product’s taste and texture. Moreover, according to the customer’s target the thickness of the compound coating was optimized. This collaboration is a proof that our co-development approach is more than just a promise. We look forward to further develop our leading position by adding more value and creating new success stories for ice cream manufacturers in the region. dD÷OD<DÕFÕ Sales Manager, AAK Turkey 'LQoHU8OXWDú Customer Innovation Manager, AAK Turkey gether well enough. Through our collaboration and our tests we could ensure that it would. Production installation was ordered and construction started. We had to work quickly to get the products produced and ensure that the end product turned out as expected and as we experienced during our tests. AAK, the equipment supplier and the customer were in close dialogue to ensure that the equipment was adjusted correctly to meet the require- PHQWVRIWKHSURGXFWVHVSHFLDOO\WKHGHQVLW\RIWKH¿OOLQJ In 2016, the goal was reached and the production of the new wafers began. Today, it is a very successful product. Hiske Keller Regional Sales Director, Central Eastern Europe and the Balkans Susanne Budde Lund Customer Innovation Manager, AAK Denmark

AAK Insight no 4 2017
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