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Bioenergy no 2 - March 2015

STELA low temperature belt dryer 67(/$/DKXEHU*PE+ŇgWWLQJHUVWUŇ'0DVVLQJ 7HOŇ(0DLOVDOHV#VWHODGHŇZZZVWHODGH 16 Bioenergy International No 78, 2-2015 (I¿FLHQWGU\LQJ RIELRPDVV PRUHWKDQEHOW GU\HUVLQPRUHWKDQ FRXQWULHVDOORYHUWKH ZRUOGLQWKHPRVW YDULRXVVLHV ORZHVWHPLVVLRQVUDWHV HQHUJ\VDYLQJDLU WHFKQRORJ\ GU\HUVIRUSURGXFWLRQ FDSDFLW\RI WDSHOOHWVVXSSOLHG QRQHHGRIZHW HOHFWURVWDWLF¿OWHUV :(63WRDFKLHYHORZ HPLVVLRQYDOXHV MÜNCH-Edelstahl GmbH Biomass- Pelletizing MÜNCH-Pelletpresses for a successful production · Pelleting of hard- and softwood · Complete lines including press, cooler, screener etc. · Volume reduction 1:6 to 1:8 · Reduced wear of spare parts by a special Münch-design · Quality based on international norms · Dies and rollers for all brands Please ask for more details of our program. MÜNCH-Edelstahl GmbH Weststraße 26, 40721 Hilden, Germany Phone +49 2103 5899-6, Fax +49 2103 5899-77 E-mail

Bioenergy no 2 - March 2015
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