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Bioenergy no 2 - March 2015

‡&KDLQFRQYH\RUV ‡6FUHZFRQYH\RUV ‡3RUWWHUPLQDOV ‡%XFNHWHOHYDWRUV ‡,QWDNHV\VWHPV ‡7UXFNORDGLQJV\VWHPV ‡%HOWFRQYH\RUV ‡'XVWDVSLUDWLRQV\VWHPV ‡6WRUDJHV\VWHPV Saxlund to install sludge cake silos BBiiooeenneerrggyy IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall NNoo 7788,, 22--22001155 2277 Torpängsvägen 2, SE-148 60 Stora Vika +46 (0)8-10 99 15 +46 (0)739-823 066 ! " ! # ! !! ! ZZZFIQLHOVHQFRP± 0DUNHW/HDGHU IRU\HDUV« %XONKDQGOLQJWHFKQRORJ\IRUELRPDVVIXHOV ZZZODFKHQPHLHUPRQVXQFRP ‡%LRPDV%RLOHUV ‡25&&oJHQHUaWLRQ ‡TuUQKH\3ODQWV Probably the biggest briquetting press in the world Danish briquetting press technology providers C.F. Nielsen A/S are to launch two new machines at the upcoming Ligna tradeshow in Hannover, Germany. The general design of the SBP-9 star briquetting press is based on a radial principle of movement, similar to the design of a radial combustion engine, a “star” engine. The machine has one single eccentric hub shaft connected to 9 briquetting lines. This design will accommodate important market demands such as: small briquette dimensions (40- 60 mm diameter), a high output of up to 5 tph and a low specific power consumption compared to densification alternatives. The machine will be marketed to customers with a high capacity demand for briquettes for mainly industrial purposes such as biogas, bioethanol and power plants. For square consumer logs with larger dimensions the new BP7510 is developed mainly for agricultural residues, but can be used for other raw materials. The machine will be able to produce briquettes up to a diameter of 120 mm and is designed for a main motor up to 132 kW. Capacities of over 3 tph - depending on the raw material and density - can be reached. BI78/4807/DN Bioenergy and bulk materials handling specialist Saxlund International, part of the Opcon energy and environmental group, has secured contracts from Barhale Trant Utilities to design and supply sludge cake truck loading silos for Southern Water wastewater treatment works (WWTW) at Budds Farm in Havant and Millbrook near Southampton. BI78/4793/AS

Bioenergy no 2 - March 2015
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