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Bioenergy no 3 May 2015

SOLID FUELS New Transylvanian forestry show The largest forestry nation in southeast Europe, Romania, is to get its own forestry tradeshow, Forest Romania. The debut of the in-the-woods demo fair is slated for 16 - 18 September and will be held in the heart of Romania’s most densely forested region, near the city of Brașov in Transylvania. The forest administration in Tărlungeni (Ocolul Silvic Ciucaş RA) is providing the site which is logistically well equipped and features forest conditions that well reflect those of Romania as a whole. Featuring live forest machinery and operations Forest Romania is a joint-venture between two well seasoned international forest and agricultural trade event organisers, Elmia and DLG. Sweden-based Elmia is the organiser of Elmia Wood, the world’s largest demo forestry fair along with its Nordic edition SkogsElmia, whereas Germany based DLG is the organiser “We work 30% faster” In Sweden’s innovative forest industry the 42 Bioenergy Internat ional No 79, 3-2015 MQTVIWWMZIIJ½GMIRGSJ&VEGOI'GMWIPP ORSR8LEROWXSMXWYRMUYIGYXXMRKWSPYXMSR ERH IJ½GMIRX KVETTPI EVQW XLMW WMPZMGYPXYVI ERHFMSQEWWLIEHPIXWSYWXVIEQPMRISRWMXI STIVEXMSRWXSXLIQE\MQYQ-XMWEGGYQYPE XMRKERHWYMXEFPIJSVEPPQIGLERMGEPGPIEVMRK 'LIGOSYXXLI'GSRSYVIFWMXI XLIRSY´PPERXXSKMZIYWEGEPP ˆFVEGOIJSVIWXGSQ 7EXMWJMIHGYWXSQIV of Agritechnica the world’s largest agricultural trade fair. – We want to establish this meeting place to help international manufacturers gain a strong foothold in this interesting market when the mechanisation of forestry operations really takes off, explains Elmia’s Torbjörn Johnsen. Romania is one of the largest forestry nations in southeast Europe and whilst the region as a whole has high timber values the level of mechanisation is very low. Manual labour is inexpensive, felling is done almost exclusively by using chainsaws, extraction is carried out using horses or rudimentary tractors and skidders. Although a lot of the standing timber is still owned by the central and municipal governments, all the harvesting work is now done by private independent contractors or timber buyers. The annual allowable cut is about 18 million m3. – This must be the European country with the toughest logging conditions you can imagine. Steep terrain, large stems and a sparse network of forest roads place tough demands on man and machine, commented Dr Reiner Hofmann of DLG. BI79/4847/AS /HIW$OHDQGUX-LFD)RUHVW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ&LXFDú2LYLGX,RQHVFX 7UDQVLOYDQLD8QLYHUVLW\RI%UDΊRY%RJGDQ(IWLPLH)RUHVW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 7RUEM|UQ-RKQVHQ%XVLQHVV'HYHORSPHQW0DQDJHU(OPLD&RULQD0DUHV '/*,QWHU0DUNHWLQJDQG(XJHQ&RPúD)RUHVW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQLQVSHFWLQJWKH XSFRPLQJ)RUHVW5RPDQLDVLWHDW\SLFDO5RPDQLDQIRUHVWODQGVFDSHZLWK VWHHSWHUUDLQDQGODUJHVWHPV

Bioenergy no 3 May 2015
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