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Bioenergy no 4 july 2015

BUSINESS GUIDE ‡&KDLQFRQYH\RUV ‡6FUHZFRQYH\RUV ‡3RUWWHUPLQDOV ‡%XFNHWHOHYDWRUV ‡,QWDNHV\VWHPV ‡7UXFNORDGLQJV\VWHPV ‡%HOWFRQYH\RUV ‡'XVWDVSLUDWLRQV\VWHPV ‡6WRUDJHV\VWHPV Bioenergy International No 80, 4-2015 29 Torpängsvägen 2, SE-148 60 Stora Vika +46 (0)8-10 99 15 +46 (0)739-823 066 ! " ! # ! !! ! ZZZFIQLHOVHQFRP± 0DUNHW/HDGHU IRU\HDUV« %XONKDQGOLQJWHFKQRORJ\IRUELRPDVVIXHOV ZZZODFKHQPHLHUPRQVXQFRP ‡%LRPDV%RLOHUV ‡25&&oJHQHUaWLRQ ‡TuUQKH\3ODQWV member organisations from industry, academia and government laboratories. Its mission is to facilitate development of biojet and bioproduct industries in the Pacific Northwest using forest residuals that would otherwise become waste products. Gevo’s isobutanol and ATJ-SPK technologies are both planned to be licensed by NARA as part of this project. BI80/4915/AS First test flight on cellulosic-derived ATJ fuel announced US-based renewable technology, chemical products, and biofuels company Gevo Inc., has announced what it describes as “a breakthrough” in its fermentation technology enabling it to produce isobutanol from cellulosic feedstock such as wood waste. The “bioisobutanol” can then be converted into renewable aviation fuel using its patented alcohol to jet fuel (ATJ) pathway. The company has previously announced the testing and use of its ATJ process producing alcohol to jet synthetic paraffinic kerosene (ATJ-SPK) fuel derived from its corn-based isobutanol in conjunction with major airline partners and the US military. The company’s cellulosic isobutanol production will be conducted at a demonstration facility in St. Joseph, MO, which the company jointly operates with ICM Inc. The ATJ-SPK will be produced in Silsbee, Texas, at the demonstration facility the company operates with South Hampton Resources Inc. The cellulosic jet fuel will be used in a 1 000 gallon (3785 litre) renewable fuel demonstration test flight by Alaska Airlines as announced by Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance (NARA) of which Gevo is a member. NARA is a five-year project supported by the US Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, and is comprised of 22

Bioenergy no 4 july 2015
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