HL Display | The better shopping experience

127 Segmentation & branding 1 3 6 2 4 5 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 3 5 Front profile description Insert Profile height Label height 1. FTS30 Printed or transparent + insert 32 mm 30 mm 2. FTSA30 Printed or transparent + insert 25 mm 30 mm 3. FTD20-25 Printed or transparent + insert 31 mm 19 (top) / 24,5 (front) mm 4. BSHL+FSHL Printed or transparent + insert 38 mm 19 (top) / 29,2 (front) mm 5. BSHL+FSHL-2 Printed, taped to the profile 34 mm 39 mm Accessories Description 1. Brand clip Communication 2. Innovation window Communication 3. Shelftalker Communication 4. Flag holder Communication 5. Raised platform Product highlighters 6. Glorifier Product highlighters 7. Ad’Lite ™ LED Flexi strip Lighting solution 8. FT-AVD, FLTB-AVD Dividers How does it work? Flex Tray ™ combines trays to safeguard your shelf space with customised fronts to create disruption and reinforce your brand. Combined with communication and merchandising accessories, Flex Tray ™ is a complete, flexible concept. Use the Brandline ™ LED profile to highlight the offer the flexible low voltage lighting solution plug & play with retail proof. FTSA30R and individual front 2 Select a front profile 3 Enhance brand visibility with a wide range of accessories ? WWW.HL-DISPLAY.COM – THE BETTER SHOPPING EXPERIENCE NEW PRODUCT SHELF TRAYS