Name: ebBe, stands “for extra beautiful basic equipment” Born: in Malmö, Sweden 2008 Style: Scandinavian simplicity with a true love for denim Favourite colour: Blue, like the ocean and denim Favourite ocCupation: Play in my own band, colLect treasures in the woOds and play by the sea. Makes me hapPy: That I won the “Kids fashion supPlier of the year 2014” in Sweden. Last but not least, a big shout-out to alL kids in this catalogue! You are the greatest! Erik S Rakel VigGo D HedDa VigGo L Signe Carl-Wilhelm Iris Alexander Tea Liam Hilda SigGe Erik W LykKe EbBe Ludvig FilipPa Elvira Tyra Cecilia Maj Ines Frank August Emilio Diana Ove
Ebbe autumn / winter 2015
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