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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

Examples of memberships that safeguard the interests of the industry AAK Responsible growth | 41 1DWLRQDODVVRFLDWLRQV The Netherlands Oils, Fats and Oilseeds Trade/NOFOTA 7KH$VVRFLDWLRQRI'XWFK2LO3URFHVVLQJ,QGXVWULHV9HUQRI 7KH3URGXFW%RDUG0DUJDULQH)DWVDQG2LOV092 The Confederation of Danish Industry/DI The Association of Danish Oil and Oilseed Processors/ADOP Asociación Nacional de Industriales de Aceites y Mantecas Comestibles/ANIAME Confederación Patronal de la República Mexicana/COPARMEX Asociación de Industriales del Estado de Michoacán/AIEMAC The Swedish Food Federation/LI The Swedish Plastics and Chemicals Federation/P&K The Seed Crushers’ and Oil Processors’ Association/SCOPA The National Edible Oil Distributors Association/NEODA 7KH$VVRFLDWLRQRI%DNHU\,QJUHGLHQW0DQXIDFWXUHUV$%,0 The Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce/SACC The Institute of Shortening and Edible Oils/ISEO The American Fats and Oils Association/AFOA The National Confectioners Association/NCA The Uruguayan Chamber of Industries/CIU ,QWHUQDWLRQDODVVRFLDWLRQV The EU Oil and Proteinmeal Industry/FEDIOL The Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Association/FOSFA FoodDrinkEurope The European Oleochemicals and Allied Products Group/APAG The National Institute of Oilseed Products/NIOP AAK as a global citizen 7KHLPSDFWRIEXVLQHVVJRHVEH\RQGORFDO FRPPXQLWLHV$WDJOREDOOHYHO$$.GRHVLWV EHVWWREHFRPHLQYROYHGLQDUHDVZKHUHWKH *URXSFDQPDNHDGLIIHUHQFH±E\XWLOLLQJ RXUVSKHUHRILQÀXHQFH AAK is naturally a member of various national and international organizations that aim to improve the industry by setting common standards, aligning analytical methods, etc. and, in general, by safeguarding the interests of the vegetable oils and fats industry. Through these organizations, AAK interacts openly with DXWKRULWLHVDQGDLPVWRLQÀXHQFHWKHOHJLVODWLRQ that governs our business.

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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