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AAK Insight no 4 2017

group that is most concerned about nutrients in foods, citing increased energy levels, better heart and digestive health as well as healthy aging in JHQHUDODVGHVLUHGEHQH¿WVIURPIRRG “In conjunction with our customers, we will utilize our NQRZOHGJHRIVSHFLDOLW\RLOVDQGEOHQGVWRSURGXFHD¿QLVKHG product with fats which are nutritionally designed to support and maintain good health in the growing senior population”, VD\V.DUHO6WRVFKHN³7KHUHLVQRµRQHVLH¿WVDOO¶DV consumers approach health differently around the world. Therefore, the industry, and AAK, needs to create solutions for each region according to its preferences and trends.” 5 Medical Nutrition Although not as large as the infant nutrition business, AAK has served the medical nutrition market for a number of years, particularly to European customers. With the broadening of the company’s nutritional focus, AAK aims to expand its supply of medical nutrition solutions to a global level. The market for medical nutrition is expected to grow over the next couple of years, due to an aging population, a rising demand for health care services globally, and higher health care spending in emerging markets. The standards of the medical industry are very stringent and AAK’s facility in Karlshamn, Sweden has been audited and approved both by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). “Our skills within lipid technology, achieved over half a century, have enabled us to build advanced structured triglycerides creating speciality oils and fats”, says Karel 6WRVFKHN³7RJHWKHUZLWKWKHFHUWL¿FDWLRQVE\UHJXODWRU\ authorities, our AAK active lipids are approved effective for medical formulations.” Senior Nutrition -XVWDVIRUWKHWZRDERYHPHQWLRQHGVXEVHJPHQWVWKHUH is, for a variety of reasons, great potential for the senior nutrition market. Firstly, the aging population in western countries and in Asia is increasing. In 2015, people over 65 years comprised 10 percent of the global population and this is expected to double in 2040. Secondly, more and more consumers from a wide range of age groups are adopting healthier and more active lifestyles. In particular older consumers are increasingly focused on becoming more active and on remaining healthy for longer. Markets targeting foods for seniors are today most SUHYDOHQWLQ-DSDQDQG&KLQDEXWWKHGHPDQGLVVKLIWLQJWR a global level, making senior nutrition an emerging market. Akovita® – lipids for life For the senior nutrition market AAK offers a range of products under the brand Akovita®, supporting the category “Heart Health”. A high cholesterol level is a risk factor in developing coronary heart disease (CHD) and AAK has a range of products containing plant sterol esters, which are clinically proven to maintain and even reduce the cholesterol level in the blood. This is supported by Article 14(1) health claim in the EU. In the same product AAK has included alpha-linolenic acid, which also supports the maintenance of healthy blood lipids. “To support normal brain function, we at AAK use, in synergy, DHA and choline in the same product”, says Bodil Granroth, Commercial Product Manager within AAK’s Special Nutrition business. “DHA is clinically proven to support brain health, an approved EU health In addition, seniors are, according to research gathered by Mintel, the population claim. Recent evidence indicates that choline improves recognition memory and cognitive function.” To maintain an active lifestyle going into the ‘third age’ – post-retirement – energy-dense and easily absorbed IRRGZLWKDJRRGQXWULWLRQDOSUR¿OHFDQVXSSRUWGLJHVWLYH health. By incorporating AAK’s structured fats together with high amounts of the essential omega-3 fatty acids, this can be achieved, Bodil Granroth explains. These EHQH¿WVIURPORZVDWXUDWHGIDWVDQGKLJKRPHJDIDWW\ acids can be supported by several EU nutritional claims. “As partner, AAK provides knowledge and expertise, WKURXJKHWHQVLYHVFLHQWL¿FGRFXPHQWDWLRQLQWKHGHYHO- opment of the products to ensure the highest possible quality”, says Bodil Granroth. “By doing so we help our customers to differentiate their products in the market.”

AAK Insight no 4 2017
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