QRP2 Mount
Quick Release Picatinny
(MIL-STD 1913) Mount.
For CompM4, PRO and
Ring Base & Top. Return
to zero after dismounting
(Spacer is necessary for M4
flat top rifles and carbines).
Item No. 12195 *
TNP Mount
Torsion Nut Picatinny
(MIL-STD 1913) Mount
for CompM4, PRO and
Ring Base & Top.
Item No. 12197 *
Ring Base & Top
For CompM3. Base and
Top 30 mm ring.
Fits QRP2, QRW2, LRP
and TNP Mounts.
Item No. 12194 *
SRP-L Ring
Low Wide Ring, 30 mm
Black, for CompM3.
Fits on Picatinny rail
(MIL-STD 1913).
Item No. 12243 *
QRW2 Mount
Quick Release Weaver
Mount for CompM4, PRO
and Ring Base & Top. Return
to zero after dismounting
(Spacer is necessary for M4
flat top rifles and carbines).
Item No. 11758 *
LRP Mount
Lever Release Picatinny
Mount for CompM4, PRO
and Ring Base & Top. Return
to zero after dismounting.
Screws, Allen key and thread
sealer included.
Item No. 12198
SRW-L Ring
Low Wide Ring, 30
mm Black, for
Fits on Weaver rail.
Item No. 12244 *
Standard Spacer
Spacer for CompM4,
CompM3 and PRO in
conjunction with
Item No. 12194.
Mount raises height of
optical axis from 30 to
39 mm.
Item No. 12192 *
QRP3 Mount
Quick Release
Picatinny (MIL-STD
1913) Mount 30
mm. For CompM3.
Item No. 12923*
Extension Spacer
Spacer for CompM4,
CompM3 and PRO in
conjunction with
Item No. 12194.
Mount raises height of optical
axis from 30 to 39 mm
and brings sight 40 mm
Item No. 12193 *
Micro 11 mm
Dovetail Mount
For Micro and CompM5
sights. Fits most of the 11
mm Dovetail Bases
ranging from 10-12,5 mm
Screws and Aimpoint Tool
Item No. 12215
Micro LRP Mount
Lever Release
Picatinny Mount for Micro
and CompM5 sights.
Return to zero after
dismounting. Screws,
Aimpoint Tool and thread
sealer included.
Item No. 12905