Content Welcome
Ties, hankies & scarves 4-11
Solid colours 12-13
Microfibre 14-15
Celebration 16-17
Bow ties 18
Scarves 19-27
Suspenders 28-30
Belts 31-36
Laser engraving 37
Accessories 38-40
Customized design 41-44
Security 45
Gift boxes 46-47
The symbols indicate that the
products also are available in ties,
hankies, bow ties or butterflies.
Portia has taken the step into the digital
world and we are proud to offer existing
and new customers an integrated online
purchasing system. This gives you as a
corporate customer access to our total
product line.
Please visit our web page www.portia.se
to log in and place orders, and to be inspired
by the season's styles and trends
in accessories for men.
Ordering online is easy:
1. Existing customer:
Log in at www.portia.se/Meny/Login
2. Username:
Your customer code at Portia
3. Password:
Your customer code at Portia
You will find your customer code on your
invoices in the top right hand corner. You
can always change your password
you have logged in for the first time.
New Customer:
Register your company at our website:
If you are in need of any help, please give
us a call:
+46 (0) 40 869 70