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AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014

In interaction with customers, knowledge sharing is very important. AAK is focusing on customer co-development where one important part is to run customer application trials at one of our pilot plants. This is done in order to offer advice on optimizing customer processes as well as products. For employees at AAK, the dialogue with customers is important, both WRJDLQDQXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIWKHFXVWRPHU¶VYLHZDQGWRIRVWHUFORVHUFRRSHUDWLRQ%RWKWKH$$.$FDGHP\DQGWKH*OREDO Magazine are useful tools for sharing knowledge and to give the latest information. AAK Responsible growth | 9 Knowledge sharing AAK Academy – the knowledge center for lipid technology 7KH$$.$FDGHP\LVDWUDLQLQJFRQFHSW ZKLFKDOVRIDFLOLWDWHVGLDORJXHEHWZHHQ FXVWRPHUVDQG$$. The AAK Academy is exclusively for customers and its advanced training concept provides a good understanding of lipid technology. The academy cultivates a good understanding of fat technology that guides customers in the search for the most suitable fat for a given product. It also facilitates dialogue between customers and AAK to achieve the best cooperation. The AAK Academy offers a wide range of FRXUVHVDQGWKHIRUPDWLVKLJKO\ÀHLEOHZLWK lecturers selected from the experts among AAK’s staff. The Academy’s basic courses on oils and fats technology gives a comprehensive overview of relevant topics. The important role of oils and fats in the diet is reviewed from different standpoints. Soft processing methods and Global Magazine – latest trends and information AAK always aims to share the latest infor- PDWLRQZLWKFXVWRPHUVDQGRQHWRROIRU doing this is the Global Magazine. Published twice a year, it is an important tool for creating and maintaining awareness among customers. The content varies over time, but topics include new product launches, highlights of SURGXFWEHQH¿WVDQGWKHODWHVWQHZVIURPWKH VFLHQWL¿FZRUOG7KHPDJDLQHLVKLJKO\DSSUHFL- ated by customers, and investors also see it as a good way to receive information about AAK. AAK’s Global Magazine is available as both DSULQWHGYHUVLRQDQGD3')¿OHWKDWFDQEH downloaded from It is distributed around the globe and also serves as a marketing tool at exhibitions, conferences and in customer contact. their enhancement of quality and functionality are described, together with food safety and practical advice for handling oils. 'RFXPHQWDWLRQRIDOOOHFWXUHV Participants receive complete documentation of all lectures. In addition, they get their own FRS\RIWKHSXEOLFDWLRQµ+DQGERRN±9HJHWDEOH oils and fats.’ This handbook has been written by experts from AAK and contains both theoretical and practical knowledge relating to oils and fats. Since the beginning, in the early 1990s, AAK has educated thousands of customers in lipid technology. For those customers who do not have the possibility to come to AAK, the Academy is held at customer sites. The goal is to continuously expand the Academy and make it possible for even more customers to be educated in lipid technology. AAK Magazine | No 1, 2013 0RUHOLIHLQWRÀOOHGFKRFRODWH SDJH $NRQLQR²WKHQDWXUDOFKRLFH IRUKHDOWK\GHYHORSPHQW SDJH %DNHU\IDWVIRUDKHDOWKLHUOLIHVW\OH SDJH AAK Magazine | No 2, 2013 Meet the premiumisation trend – in chocolate confectionery, page 2-3 Heart-healthier ice cream – Akomix LS 25, page 4-5 AAK Magazine | No 1, 2014 Cost savings in ice cream, page 2–3 Filling fats for pralines on trend, page 6–7 Flakes for easy handling, page 14 ,QFUHDVHGSURÀWDELOLW\LQEDNHU\ page 16–17

AAK - Sustainability report 2013/2014
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