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AAK Insight no 4 2017

3 Leading the way with The AAK Way The end of 2016 also marked the end of AAK’s company program AAKtion, a program that successfully has guided AAK over the last three years. To build upon the strong foundation AAKtion has created, AAK launched a new three-year program, The AAK Way, in January 2017. Insight asked Anne Mette Olesen, AAK’s &KLHI0DUNHWLQJ2I¿FHUWRHSODLQWKHLGHDEHKLQG7KH$$.:D\ First of all, how would you summarize AAK’s three years with AAKtion? It has been tremendously encouraging to see the strong commitment to and engagement in AAKtion across all of AAK. We are happy to say that the overall implementation of the program has progressed really well over its three years and resulted in a lot of achievements to be proud of. During AAKtion our global footprint has been strengthened and new members have joined the AAK family, creating a very strong platform for our Sales and Customer Innovation activities. Furthermore, we have established our sourcing operations in Singapore together with our traceability procedures on palm oil. Both will serve as a solid platform for our continued progress within this important area. What is the ambition for The AAK Way and how is it to be achieved? The program should enable us to even better meet the needs of our customers and thereby increase our organic JURZWKLQJHQHUDOVSHFL¿FDOO\ZLWKLQRXUVSHFLDOLW\DQG semi-speciality solutions. :HKDYHLGHQWL¿HG¿YHIRFXVDUHDVWKDWZHEHOLHYHZLOO help us to achieve this ambition: Go to Market, Operational Excellence, Special Focus Areas, Innovation, and last but not least, People. 7KHVH¿YHIRFXVDUHDVFRQVLVWRIWHQJOREDOSURMHFWVZKLFK all represent different areas that we believe hold additional potential for delivering on our customers’ needs and expectations and that will strengthen AAK in the short and long term. A stringent program management, strong project Innovation Go to Market Operational (FHOOHQFH Special Focus Areas People AAK Way of Selling Customer Co-Development Sourcing Excellence Cost Effective & Flexible World Class Delivery Special Nutrition Dairy+ INNOBO - Products Anne Mette Olesen Chief Marketing Officer management for each of the projects, and good support from global and local KPIs are important elements in delivering a successful program. What value will the program bring to AAK’s customers? :HDUHFRQ¿GHQWWKDWRXUFXVWRPHUVZLOOHSHULHQFHLPSURYH- ments through each of the projects within the program. Our Go to Market projects will strengthen our ability to create lasting business value together with our customers. With our Operational Excellence projects we are aiming at sourcing our raw materials even more sustainably and cost-effectively, IXUWKHULPSURYLQJRXUFRVWHIIHFWLYHQHVVDQGSURGXFWLRQÀHL- bility and ensuring delivery on time and in quality. Special Focus Areas represents business opportunities ZLWKVLJQL¿FDQWSRWHQWLDOWKDWZHZDQWWRPRELOLHE\EHLQJ even better at meeting our customers’ needs within these areas. With our Innovation project we are aiming to be in a league of our own at getting ideas, executing them and securing that our solutions add strong value to our customers. $QG¿QDOO\WRDFKLHYHRXUDPELWLRQVZLWK7KH$$.:D\RXU People project is at the heart of the program. What are your expectations for the upcoming years with The AAK Way? We have high expectations for The AAK Way and we aim to add several new achievements to our already strong track record. Through the implementation of the program we will become even better at delivering upon our customers’ needs and meet the expectations of our other key stakeholders, and thereby further increase our organic growth.

AAK Insight no 4 2017
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